What Does Mouse Feces Look Like?

Just like rats , Colorado Springs mice also produce droppings that are very toxic to the environment and the health of humans. Mice feces also have spindle shape with an average size similar to that of a grain of rice. Though Mice feces look similar to that of rats in shape and size, but the colour is different. Mouse feces are darker in colour, and according to researchers, Mice produce more quantities of feces a night than rats. An average adult mouse can produce between 50 and 75 pellets or feces a night while an average adult rat produces 40. The size of a Colorado mouse' pellet is normally around ¼ an inch, and each feces appear small with one end pointed.

Fresh droppings of Colorado mice are very dark in colour, but with ageing of the feces, the dark colour may get lighter. The fresh fecal materials are softer in texture; however, the feces become thicken as time passes. The age of a dropping can be used in predicting the period of time an area has been infested with the Colorado Springs animals. Aside the texture and colour of droppings, the size of the feces can also help you predict the period of infestation.

Mice feces can be found virtually in every places around the house, these include; bathroom, kitchen , basement, attic , garage, barns and sheds. Mice can migrate from one area of the house to another, in search of food or shelter. They seek for shelter elsewhere when their former shelter has been destroyed by human activities. You may notice that even a relatively few colony of Colorado Springs mice can produce huge droppings within a very short period of time. Mice can produce more droppings than rats, for this reason, mice colonies must be handled immediately. Mice are often found in small groups, they also migrate from one place to another in small groups, and their fecal materials can be found along their trails. One of the best possible ways of controlling the infestation of mice around your property is the use of traps. Though other methods such as poisoned baits may work but the environmental hazards caused by such practices can be uncontrollable, similarly, Colorado mice may learn quickly to avoid poisoned baits. The use of trap can ensure that colonies are quickly controlled if not eliminated, especially in areas where they are gaining excessive controls. Mice feces can spread a number of viral and parasitic infections especially when they come in contact with food and water.

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